powershell sfk
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1  .\sfk190.exe
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1 SFK - The Swiss File Knife Multi Function Tool.  2 Release 1.9.0 Base/XD of Feb 28 2018.  3 StahlWorks Technologies, http://stahlworks.com/  4 Distributed for free under the BSD License, without any warranty.  5   6 type "sfk commandname" for help on any of the following.  7 some commands require to add "-help" for the help text.  8   9    file system 10       sfk list       - list directory tree contents. 11                        list latest, oldest or biggest files. 12                        list directory differences. 13                        list zip jar tar gz bz2 contents. 14       sfk filefind   - find files by filename 15       sfk treesize   - show directory size statistics 16       sfk copy       - copy directory trees additively 17       sfk sync       - mirror tree content with deletion 18       sfk rename     - flexible multi file rename 19       sfk partcopy   - copy part from a file into another one 20       sfk mkdir      - create directory tree 21       sfk delete     - delete files and folders 22       sfk deltree    - delete whole directory tree 23       sfk deblank    - remove blanks in filenames 24       sfk space [-h] - tell total and free size of volume 25       sfk filetime   - tell times of a file 26       sfk touch      - change times of a file 27       sfk index      - create index file(s) for fast lookup 28       sfk name       - lookup file names using index files 29       sfk fixfile    - change bad filenames and file times 30       sfk setbytes   - set bytes at offset within a file 31  32    conversion 33       sfk lf-to-crlf - convert from LF to CRLF line endings 34       sfk crlf-to-lf - convert from CRLF to LF line endings 35       sfk detab      - convert TAB characters to spaces 36       sfk entab      - convert groups of spaces to TAB chars 37       sfk scantab    - list files containing TAB characters 38       sfk split      - split large files into smaller ones 39       sfk join       - join small files into a large one 40       sfk csvtotab   - convert .csv data to tab separated 41       sfk tabtocsv   - convert tab separated to .csv format 42       sfk encode     - convert data to base64 or hex format 43       sfk decode     - decode base64, hex or url format 44       sfk wtoa       - convert wide chars to Ansi 45       sfk wtou       - convert wide chars to UTF-8 46       sfk hexdump    - create hexdump from a binary file 47       sfk hextobin   - convert hex data to binary 48       sfk hex        - convert decimal number(s) to hex 49       sfk dec        - convert hex number(s) to decimal 50       sfk chars      - print chars for a list of codes 51       sfk bin-to-src - convert binary to source code 52  53    text processing 54       sfk filter     - search, filter and replace text data 55       sfk replace    - replace words in binary and text files 56       sfk xed        - edit stream text using sfk expressions 57       sfk xex        - extract from stream text using expressions 58       sfk xreplace   - XE: replace in files using sfk expressions 59       sfk run        - run external command on all files of a folder 60       sfk runloop    - run a command n times in a loop 61       sfk printloop  - print some text many times 62       sfk load       - load file content for further processing 63       sfk perline    - run sfk command(s) per input text line 64       sfk head       - print first lines of a file 65       sfk tail       - print last lines of a file 66       sfk snapto     - join many text files into one file 67       sfk addhead    - insert string at start of text lines 68       sfk addtail    - append string at end of text lines 69       sfk joinlines  - join text lines split by email reformatting 70       sfk strings    - extract strings from a binary file 71       sfk sort       - sort text lines produced by another command 72       sfk count      - count text lines, filter identical lines 73       sfk linelen    - tell length of string(s) 74  75    search and compare 76       sfk xfind      - search in text and binary files using 77                        wildcards and simple expressions 78       sfk xtext      - search in text files only 79       sfk xhexfind   - search with hexdump output 80       sfk extract    - extract data from text and binary 81       sfk find       - search static text, without wildcards 82       sfk hexfind    - search static binary data 83       sfk md5gento   - create list of md5 checksums over files 84       sfk md5check   - verify list of md5 checksums over files 85       sfk md5        - calc md5 over a file, compare two files 86       sfk pathfind   - search PATH for location of a command 87       sfk reflist    - list fuzzy references between files 88       sfk deplist    - list fuzzy dependencies between files 89       sfk dupfind    - find duplicate files by content 90  91    networking 92       sfk httpserv   - run an instant HTTP server. 93                        type "sfk httpserv -help" for help. 94       sfk ftpserv    - run an instant FTP server 95                        type "sfk ftpserv -help" for help. 96       sfk ftp        - instant anonymous FTP client 97       sfk web        - send HTTP request to a server 98       sfk wget       - download HTTP file from the web 99       sfk tcpdump    - print TCP conversation between programs100       sfk udpdump    - print incoming UDP requests101       sfk udpsend    - send UDP requests102       sfk ip         - tell own machine's IP address(es).103                        type "sfk ip -help" for help.104       sfk netlog     - send text outputs to network,105                        and/or file, and/or terminal106       sfk fromnet -h - receive and print network text107       sfk ping       - ping multiple machines in one go108 109    scripting110       sfk help chain - how to combine multiple commands111       sfk script     - run many sfk commands in a script file112       sfk label      - define starting points within a script113       sfk call       - call a sub function at a label114       sfk echo       - print (coloured) text to terminal115       sfk color      - change text color of terminal116       sfk setvar     - put text into an sfk variable117       sfk storetext  - store text in memory for later use118       sfk alias      - create command from other commands119       sfk mkcd       - create command to reenter directory120       sfk sleep      - delay execution for milliseconds121       sfk pause      - wait for user input122       sfk stop       - stop sfk script execution123       sfk tee        - split command output in two streams124       sfk tofile     - save command output to a file125       sfk toterm     - flush command output to terminal126       sfk for        - repeat commands many times127       sfk loop       - repeat execution of all commands128       sfk cd         - change directory within a script129       sfk getcwd     - print the current working directory130       sfk require    - compare version text131       sfk time [-h]  - print current date and time132 133    development134       sfk bin-to-src - convert binary data to source code135       sfk make-random-file - create file with random data136       sfk fuzz       - change file at random, for testing137       sfk sample     - print example code for programming138       sfk patch      - change text files through a script139       sfk inst       - instrument c++ with tracing calls140 141    diverse142       sfk status     - send colored status to the SFKTray143                        Windows GUI utility for display144       sfk calc       - do a simple instant calculation145       sfk random     - create a random number146       sfk prompt     - ask for user input147       sfk number     - print number in diverse formats148       sfk xmlform    - reformat xml for easy viewing149       sfk media      - cut video and binary files150       sfk view       - show results in a GUI tool151       sfk toclip     - copy command output to clipboard152       sfk fromclip   - read text from clipboard153       sfk env        - search environment variables154       sfk version    - show version of a binary file155       sfk ascii      - list Ansi codepage characters156       sfk ascii -dos - list OEM  codepage characters157       sfk spell      - phonetic spelling for telephone158       sfk cmd        - print an example command159       sfk data       - create random test data160       sfk ruler      - measure console text width161       sfk license    - print the SFK license text162       sfk update     - check for SFK updates163 164    help by subject165       sfk samp          - example scripts on sfk use and for166                           http web access automation167       sfk help select   - how dirs and files are selected in sfk168       sfk help options  - general options reference169       sfk help patterns - wildcards and text patterns within sfk170       sfk help chain    - how to combine (chain) multiple commands171       sfk help var      - how to use sfk variables and parameters172       sfk help shell    - how to optimize the windows command prompt173       sfk help chars    - about locale specific characters174       sfk help nocase   - about case insensitive search175       sfk help unicode  - about unicode file reading support176       sfk help colors   - how to change result colors177       sfk help compile  - how to compile sfk on any linux system178       sfk help xe       - for infos on sfk extended edition.179 180    All tree walking commands support file selection this way:181 182    1. short format with ONE directory tree and MANY file name patterns:183       src1dir .cpp .hpp .xml bigbar !footmp184    2. short format with a list of explicite file names:185       letter1.txt revenues9.xls report3\turnover5.ppt186    3. long format with MANY dir trees and file masks PER dir tree:187       -dir src1 src2 !src\save -file foosys .cpp -dir bin5 -file .exe188 189    For detailed help on file selection, type "sfk help select".190 191    * and ? wildcards are supported within filenames. "foo" is interpreted192    as "*foo*", so you can leave out * completely to search a part of a name.193    For name start comparison, say "\foo" (finds foo.txt but not anyfoo.txt).194 195    When you supply a directory name, by default this means "take all files".196 197       sfk list mydir                lists ALL  files of mydir, no * needed.198       sfk list mydir .cpp .hpp      lists SOME files of mydir, by extension.199       sfk list mydir !.cfg          lists all  files of mydir  EXCEPT .cfg200 201    general options:202       -tracesel  tells in detail which files and/or directories are included203                  or excluded, and why (due to which user-supplied mask).204       -nosub     do not process files within subdirectories.205       -nocol     before any command switches off color output.206       -quiet     or -nohead shows less output on some commands.207       -hidden    includes hidden and system files and dirs.208       For detailed help on all options, type "sfk help options".209 210    configure your windows CMD.exe properly.211       select many display columns, 3000 lines for scrollback212       and copy/paste of displayed text. "sfk help shell" for more.213 214    beware of Shell Command Characters.215       parameters containing spaces or characters <>|!&?* must be sur-216       rounded by quotes "". type "sfk filter" for details and examples.217 218    beware of Automated Data Processing on different machines.219       if you write scripts for distribution on many Windows machines220       they may behave different, depending on the system codepage.221       to avoid this use -isochars. for details see: sfk help nocase222 223    WRONG COLORS? Use one of:224       set SFK_COLORS=theme:black    for DARK   backgrounds225       set SFK_COLORS=theme:white    for BRIGHT backgrounds226       see also "sfk help colors"227 228    type "sfk ask word1 word2 ..."   to search ALL help text for words.229    type "sfk dumphelp"              to print  ALL help text.230 231       +---------------------------------------------------------+232       | Get the Five Dollar SFK Book: type "sfk book" for more. |233       |---------------------------------------------------------|234       |      Browse all text of a folder fast: sfk dview        |235       +---------------------------------------------------------+
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